Tuning to the Soil-ed Seed Vibrations For Our Collective Health is not your typical food growing book. It takes a Universal rather than a holistic view of Soil and Seeds. It also includes useful information for everyone involved in the global food system, not solely food growers.
Like the healthy Soils full of biodiverse Life forms that the authors promote, this is a diverse collection of crossword puzzles, word searches, a genetic engineering timeline, scrumptious recipes, articles, print and online resources & more. Thus, interacting with this book is an eclectic experience.
The authors hope that this book, which is Book 1 of the Restoring Our Individual & Collective Freedom While Taking Control and Responsibility For Our Lives Series, will contribute to improving our Collective Health.
Please note: The above text is from the from the Back Cover.
This book is meant to be interacted with rather than read through page-by-page due to its nature. There are activities (recipes, crossword puzzles, and word searches), questions to be discussed in book discussion groups, many print and online resources, and more. [Content from the full Press Release.]
The A4 paperback [ISBN-13: 978-0-9914994-9-6], US Letter hardcover [ISBN-13: 978-0-9914994-3-4] & EPUB [ISBN-13: 978-0-9914994-2-7] books became available to purchase on 8 November 2024 19 December 2024.
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Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) was elated to announce that Tuning to the Soil-ed Seed Vibrations For Our Collective Health Edited & Written By Irucka Ajani Embry With Obiora Embry was finally ready for global purchase on Thursday, 19 December 2024.
The full Press Release, with additional content, can be viewed here: Twin Brothers Debut “Tuning to the Soil-ed Seed Vibrations For Our Collective Health” In 3 Formats (Paperback, Hardcover & EPUB) On 19 December 2024 — [Requires PDF Software]
Irucka feels that this book series is one of the most important food (growing) book series due to the internal (quotes, questions, and thoughts) and external (online and print resources) content. This book is more important now due to the increased loss of digital knowledge via search engines favoring death agriculture/non-biological agriculture over biological agriculture. Needless to say, this book champions biological agriculture and questions the validity of the paradigms of the death agricultural systems that we have been told will save Us (What problems has genetic engineering actually solved rather than created?). [Content from the full Press Release.]
Due to the continued online censorship of biological agriculture due to the promotion of death agriculture (genetic engineering 1.0 and 2.0, pesticides, big data/high technology, debt, artificial fertilizers, etc.), books like this are more important than ever.
industrial or toxic chemical-based agriculture and factory-farming (the “green revolution”)< “pharmacrops” & “pharmaanimals” (“edible” transgenic vaccines) rnai-technology petrochemical (bio)pesticides, genetic engineering (ge), monocultures, confined animal feeding operations (cafos), etc. gene editing synthetic “biology” (“precision fermentation” / extreme genetic engineering) artificial intelligence (ai) nano(bio)technology, including nanorobots cloning (human animal and non-human animal) petrochemical (bio)pesticidesIrucka Ajani Embry, a Human Being, is responsible for the creation of this artisanal book using only Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS).
Language: English
Copyright: Irucka Ajani Embry, Obiora Embry (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license), et. al. (Please refer to the book’s Copyright pages)
Keywords: Soil, Seeds, Seed Saving, Soil Health, Microzyma, Fermentation, Disease, Health, Healthy Living, Wellness, Health & Wellness, Universe, Freedom, Education, Dr. George W. Carver, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp, Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner, Charles Edwin Kellogg, Nature, Home and Garden, Nutrition, Recipes, Food, Food Growing, Agriculture Definitions, Agriculture, Gardening, Gardening Advice, Farming, Water, Weather, Organic Agriculture, Biodynamic Agriculture, Agrohomeopathy, Homeopathy, BioPesticides, Hydroponics, DNA, Genetic Engineering, GMOs, Eugenics, Solar Energy, Agrivoltaics, Dirty Electricity, Poetry, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, Resources: Print and Online, Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
Research and Compilation: Irucka Ajani Embry with Obiora Embry
Editing: Irucka Ajani Embry with Obiora Embry
Cover Design & Typesetting; Manuscript Typesetting; Book Design; Cover Design: Irucka Ajani Embry
Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) used:
Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) Fonts used:
Illustrated: Yes (7 black-and-white photographs, including the author photographs, and 5 black-and-white digital vector illustrations)
Paperback: 83 pages
Binding Type: Perfect Bound
Paper Type: 60# White — Uncoated
Cover Finish: Glossy
Interior Color: Standard Black & White
A4 (8.27 x 11.69 in / 210 x 297 mm) Product Dimensions: inches wide x inches tall ( centimeters wide x centimeters tall)
Shipping Weight: pounds ( kilograms)
Paperback ISBN-13: 978-0-9914994-9-6
Illustrated: Yes (7 color photographs, including the author photographs, and 5 color digital vector illustrations)
Hardcover: 102 pages
Binding Type: Hardcover Case Wrap
Paper Type: 80# White — Coated
Cover Finish: Glossy
Interior Color: Premium Color
US Letter (8.50 x 11.00 in / 216 x 279 mm) Product Dimensions: inches wide x inches tall ( centimeters wide x centimeters tall)
Shipping Weight: pounds ( kilograms)
Hardcover ISBN-13: 978-0-9914994-3-4
Edition: First Edition
Publisher: Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP), Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Published: 8 November 2024 19 December 2024 (Available as a Paperback, Hardcover, and EBUB globally)
Printed in the United States of America
For more information, contact:
Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP)
PO Box 68500
Nashville, TN 37206-8500
United States of America (USA)
Web site: https://www.questionuniverse.com
In this section, only the differences with the printed books will be highlighted.
Additional Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) used:
Illustrated: Yes (7 color photographs, including the author photographs, and 5 color digital vector illustrations)
Electronic book (EPUB) ISBN-13: 978-0-9914994-2-7
Please note: The EPUB does NOT contain the 2 crossword puzzles nor the 2 word searches as the EPUB can not contain interactive content. The EPUB includes clickable Internet links.
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© Copyright 2024-2025 By Irucka Ajani Embry/Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP). Some rights reserved.
Tuning to the Soil-ed Seed Vibrations For Our Collective Health Edited & Written By Irucka Ajani Embry With Obiora Embry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license {CC BY-NC-ND 4.0} and is proud to be