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Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) was elated to announce that Irucka Ajani Embry published his book, after 10 years of working on it, on 21 February 2014.

Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture

By Irucka Ajani Embry

Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture By Irucka Ajani Embry on the EcoC²S / Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) Online Store

Book Description

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ISBN-13: 978-0-9914994-0-3 | Publication Date: 21 February 2014 | Edition: 1st Edition

This book is a creative, eclectic compilation that blends together fiction and non-fiction in the forms of narrative and poetry. The blending in this book covers a range of ideas and topics, such as: agriculture, climate change, the “corporament,” depression, economics, elite-centered US hegemony, family ties, forgiveness, freedom, galactic/global conspiracy, GMOs, health, identity, love, nuclear questions, peace, politics, poverty, profanity, relationships, religion, science, 11 September 2001, sexuality, spirituality, sustainability, terrorism, violence, water, and war. Through those concepts Irucka offers his own personal observations and reflections as he continues to question the nature of Reality that we experience. In addition to his thoughts, Irucka has included 23 pages of print resources that will help you wake up and get up from your slumber.

Why did you write this personal book?

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Why have I decided to publish this personal book in this age of mega surveillance by the galactic/global elite? It’s simple — this book is a vehicle for my personal healing and it may be useful for others in their healing journey too. In addition, the antidote to the surveillance is not for us to disconnect from each other and to live in isolated fear, but it is for us to reconect with each other, remember who we really are, and be FREE.

Along with the massive surveillance, we are in an age of geoengineering (chemtrails, etc.), radiochemical releases, mind control/manipulation (including mis- and dis-information), and other forms of electromagnetic pollution. I ask that all beings working on these and other negatively destructive projects to reclaim your loving Soul and to cease working on those projects.

I recommend that we continue practicing healing forms of agriculture (biodynamic/homeopathic agriculture & the positive use of magnets, acoustic, and other vibrational energies), continue using vibrational energy healing systems, forgive ourselves and each other, and elevate our Collective Human Consciousness. One reason that we are going through these trials and tribulations, is that we have polluted our Collective Consciousness with fear and all of its negative descendants rather than empowering our Collective Consciousness with love and peace. Let us remember that we are the Universal Creator having an experience as human beings. {Excerpt of “Afterword” from the book}

About the Author

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Who am I? I am, like you and everyone else, the Universal Creator. Each one of us is having an “individual” experience in this illusionary Reality that causes us to believe that we are a separate being, rather than the loving Universal Creator.

I am called Irucka Ajani Embry, which is the name of the experiential vehicle that I am occupying in this lifetime. I am an evolving, perfectly imperfect being born into a supportive village of family and friends in Lexington, Kentucky. {Excerpt of “About the Author” from the book}

Inside this Book

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Browse Sample Selections in .pdf and .djvu Formats

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Front Matter

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Volume 1: The Early Years (The Square Years): 1993 - 1997

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Volume 2: The Middle Years: 1998 - 2004

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Volume 3: The Great Years: 2005 - 2014

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Back Matter

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Book Details

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Language: English & some el español {Spanish]

Copyright: Irucka Ajani Embry/the Questioner (Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license)

Cover Design & Typesetting; Manuscript Typesetting; Book Design: Irucka Ajani Embry

Free/Libre and Open Source Software used: the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), Inkscape, LibreOffice Writer/ Writer (now Apache OpenOffice), Scribus, and Tellico on the Trisquel GNU/Linux, fully free, as in freedom/libre, GNU/Linux distribution

Free/Libre and Open Source Software Fonts used: Bitstream Vera Sans, Bitstream Vera Serif, DejaVu Serif, Dutismo, Dynamic BRK, Ecolier_court, Elegante, Fanwood, Free Schoolbook, FreeSans, Liberation Sans, Linden Hill, Linux Libertine Display O, Musica, and StayPuft (see Font Library)

Keywords: balancing the rift, reconnectualizing, pasenture, irucka embry, irucka ajani embry, spirituality, religion, science, philosophy, nutrition, garden, farm, organic, biodynamics, energy, economics, questioner, questions, question, reality, peace, healing, health, war, identity, humanity, fiction, non fiction, poetry, narrative, short story, black, male, politics, humor, entertainment, history, personal, enigmatic, controversial

Contains Explicit Content: Yes

Paperback: 312 pages

Binding: Perfect-bound

Interior Ink: Black & white

Product Dimensions ( Paperback Format): 5.83 inches wide x 8.26 inches tall (14.81 centimeters wide x 20.98 centimeters tall)

Shipping Weight: 1.16 pounds (0.53 kilograms)

ISBN-10: 0-9914994-0-9

ISBN-13: 978-0-9914994-0-3

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP), Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Published: 21 February 2014

Printed in the United States of America

For more information, contact:

Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP)

PO Box 68500

Nashville, TN 37206-8500

United States of America (USA)

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  1. On pages 103 - 104:

  2. In the USA, the “corporament” exists as the:

    military (defense/offense) + industrial + academic (schooling — at all levels — as prison) + “corporament” entertainment (Hollywood, media, advertising/consumerism/commercialization, propaganda/psychological warfare) + judicial (defense and prosecutorial lawyers, judges, law enforcement/police, prisons) + financial (banks, accounting firms) + religion + petrochemical/pharmaceutical (drugs, antibiotics, antibacterials, vaccines, pesticides — toxins to kill or put you at “dis-ease” and drugs to “treat” you) + imperial commu-soci-capitofasdemocracism system/society/economy/Western thinking = Military-industrial-academic-“corporament” entertainment-judicial-financial-religion-petrochemical/pharmaceutical complex.

    Commu-soci-capitofasdemocracism is derived from communism, socialism, capitalism, fascism, democracy, and republic as these concepts all have the same root. The complex was originally defined in the aforementioned article, but it has been recently revised to reflect a new understanding of the complex’s nature.

  3. On page 161:

  4. jealously -- speaking on the conditions of

  5. On page 163:

  6. and see that will Life all around, NO one is truly lonely or alone.

  7. On page 176:

  8. Overall, we must recognize that we have a Crisis in Perception that we must see through. For more information, check out and the various links to other Web pages.

  9. On page 199:

  10. The Chaplain scolded me by saying that only gay men cry & that God does not like gay men. Therefore I could not cry nor be a gay men nor fight in God’s military.

  11. On page 209:

  12. Ethnocentric overtones, though aLl encompassing

    United against the weak & infirmed

    Guided by population control fears

    Experiments with humans

    Not a relic of the past, continues today

    Includes forced sterilizations

    Controversial though not widely known

    Selective gene pooling for reeding purposes

  13. On page 210:

  14. Know the movies of your piece.

  15. On page 230:

  16. ofmedicines

  17. On page 231:

  18. Home-basedgardens


  1. On pages 103 - 104, see the changes in bold:

  2. In the USA, the “corporament” exists as the:

    military (defense/offense) + industrial + academic (schooling — at all levels — as prison) + “corporament” entertainment (Hollywood, media, advertising/consumerism/commercialization, propaganda/psychological warfare) + judicial (defense and prosecutorial lawyers, judges, law enforcement/police, prisons) + financial (banks, accounting firms) + religion + petrochemical/pharmaceutical (drugs, antibiotics, antibacterials, vaccines, pesticides — toxins to kill or put you at “dis-ease” and drugs to “treat” you) + imperial commu-soci-capitofasdemorepubcracism system/society/economy/Western thinking = Military-industrial-academic-“corporament” entertainment-judicial-financial-religion-petrochemical/pharmaceutical complex.

    Commu-soci-capitofasdemorepubcracism is derived from communism, socialism, capitalism, fascism, democracy, and republic as these concepts all have the same root. The complex was originally defined in the aforementioned article, but it has been recently revised to reflect a new understanding of the complex’s nature.

  3. On page 161, see the changes in bold:

  4. jealousy -- speaking on the conditions of

  5. On page 163, see the changes in bold:

  6. and see that with Life all around, NO one is truly lonely or alone.

  7. On page 176, see the changes in bold:

  8. Overall, we must recognize that we have a Crisis in Perception that we must see through. For more information, check out and the various links to other Web pages.

  9. On page 199, see the changes in bold:

  10. The Chaplain scolded me by saying that only gay men cry & that God does not like gay men. Therefore I could not cry nor be a gay man nor fight in God’s military.

  11. On page 209, see the changes in bold:

  12. Ethnocentric overtones, though aLl encompassing

    United against the weak & infirmed

    Guided by population control fears

    Experiments with humans

    Not a relic of the past, continues today

    Includes forced sterilizations

    Controversial, though not widely known

    Selective gene pooling for breeding purposes

  13. On page 210, see the changes in bold:

  14. Know the moves of your piece.

  15. On page 230, see the changes in bold:

  16. of medicines

  17. On page 231, see the changes in bold:

  18. Home-based gardens

Where is the book available for purchase?

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EcoC²S / Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) Online Store International (see URL) International (see URL) EcoC²S / Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) Online Store
Lulu (paperback) International (see URL) International (see URL) Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture
Lulu (e-book) International (see URL) International (see URL) Volume 1: The Square Years: 1993 - 1997 By the Questioner
Smashwords (e-book) International (see URL) International (see URL) Volume 1: The Square Years: 1993 - 1997 By the Questioner on .com is now handling IndieBound direct purchases International (see URL) International (see URL) Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture at (Affiliate link)
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